
Social Media


Target Audience

USA - Female 25-40 yo

What is Instacart?

Instacart is an American technology company that operates as a same-day grocery delivery and pick-up service in the U.S and Canada.

What were the goals of the campaign?

Increasing brand awareness and promoting downloads of the Instacart app.

What did we accomplish (and how)?

We gained over 500k views and over 25k comments for the brand. Increasing exposure for the app and highlighting the benefits of using Instacart among consumers. The best performing video received over 100 sign ups of the service.

Campaign key metrics:

Total views: 576,083
Total Influencers: 21
Total Likes: 27,810

Jen Chapin: $50 Aldi Haul

Knorpp and South: Christmas Costco Haul
Gained over 100 sign ups for the service

Molly Bailey: Healthy Meal Prep
Promoted being healthy groceries on the app and received over 1.2k likes

Ready to take off?